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Pratt Falls Salmon Lodge
World Class Salmon Angling
Eagle River, Labrador
Eagle River Report is a page where we will be keeping a log of the camp activity, as well as river conditions, and news from Eagle River. Sign up for the RSS feed by clicking the orange icon to the right and you will receive all updates by email. Wondering what water levels are like? go to Canada's Hydrometric Data site for the Eagle River by clicking this link: Eagle River Water Level
Posted 06 July 2010, 10:34 pm NDT
Today was an exciting one for anglers. Our guests (newcomers to the Lower Eagle) are amazed at the number of fish that they are seeing. One angler reported seeing at least 30 fish during his rotation in Pratt Falls.

Numerous Grilse released and one 12 Lb Salmon landed. Several anglers reported hooking and losing fish. One angler lost 4 Large salmon this afternoon. His guide Nelson estimated it to be in the 15 Lb range. The angler did redeem himself by landing a Grilse before the evenings fishing ended.

I went for a stroll up to look at Back River just before sunset and was kicking myself for not taking my rod. As soon as I stepped onto the rocks on the shore fish started jumping. I saw 7 fish jump in less than 2 minutes. I won't make that mistake again.
Posted 06 July 2010, 8:07 am NDT
Once again yesterday was a great day of fishing on the Lower Eagle.

All our guests have now landed 1 or more fish. Early morning fishing At Pratt's was productive. The fish that were landed in the morning were fresh run in from the ocean.

The evenings fishing at Governors saw a 12+ Salmon hooked.

Water levels continue to drop while the fish tally rises.
Posted 04 July 2010, 10:30 pm NDT
Water Levels are continuing to fall. The pools are starting to take shape. The number of fish seen in increasing.

Early morning angling produced some action in the Back River & Lem's Lane. One large Salmon was released but many more were seen jumping and swirling.

Water levels around Williams Rock are still a little high to facilitate fishing, but at the rate the river is dropping it looks promising for later in the week.

Numerous fish seen at the Boat Landing; but only one angler was able to land a Grilse.

Governors is becoming productive although most anglers seem to be utilizing the Long Line Release.
Posted 03 July 2010, 5:43 pm NDT
Our first guests arrived yesterday and enjoyed their first day of angling. None of the guest hooked fish; however several were seen around the river.

Their second day of fishing has been more productive. It all began with a Grilse which was released before lunch. The afternoon began with 3 Salmon being landed and several others struck. The guests are all eager to get back on the River to see what the evening has in store.

The other camps are reporting an increase in activity as well. It seems that the 2010 season will be another great year for the Lower Eagle.
Posted 29 June 2010, 8:42 am NDT
The first large salmon of the year have been hooked on the lower river. We have suspected that there were salmon over the weekend but it was hard to tell with river levels still quite high. Our first guests are due in this Friday, July 2nd and good fishing is expected!

In the pre-season we have been very busy around camp. Our guides came in early this year to begin renovations and for those of you who are repeat 'offenders' you will see some welcome changes. We have constructed new...
Posted 15 April 2010, 4:03 pm NDT
It has no doubt been an early spring on the Northeast coast of Canada! Arctic pack ice is disentegrating fast and chutes of budding alders line the river banks earlier than normal. Does this mean an early year for salmon? Many experienced anglers think so! We will keep you posted when the fisrt salmon arrive. In the meantime, you might want to consider booking our first week of the season. Pratt Falls Salmon Lodge still has vacancy from June 25th-July 2nd and this year it is looking like this could be a fantastic week for large salmon! Check out our competetive rates on this week, and keep in touch with for further updates.
Posted 09 November 2009, 11:51 pm NST
2009 was a big year. Past owners of Goose Bay Outfitters sold the company to Dwight Lethbridge and Mitchell Fong, both young anglers who have fished Eagle River since childhood. A new Lodge name was born and carries on the tradition of putting smiles on anglers faces from all over the globe!

The season began with a slow start as coastal ice conditions were thick, delaying the arrival of salmon to the rivers of Newfoundland & Labrador. River conditions were abnormally low for the 1st and 2nd...
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