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Pratt Falls Salmon Lodge
World Class Salmon Angling
Eagle River, Labrador
Eagle River Report is a page where we will be keeping a log of the camp activity, as well as river conditions, and news from Eagle River. Sign up for the RSS feed by clicking the orange icon to the right and you will receive all updates by email. Wondering what water levels are like? go to Canada's Hydrometric Data site for the Eagle River by clicking this link: Eagle River Water Level
Fish arrive at Eagle
Posted 29 June 2010, 8:42 am NDT
The first large salmon of the year have been hooked on the lower river. We have suspected that there were salmon over the weekend but it was hard to tell with river levels still quite high. Our first guests are due in this Friday, July 2nd and good fishing is expected!

In the pre-season we have been very busy around camp. Our guides came in early this year to begin renovations and for those of you who are repeat 'offenders' you will see some welcome changes. We have constructed new walkways and new stairways to the beach. The main lodge now has a beautiful pine ceiling and pine is continuing to make it's way through the camp on all ceilings. We have a sewage lift station installed that is designed to eliminate the above ground abs piping that has been an eyesore. Our well has been redug and lined, and we plan to have a UV filter and Reverse Osmosis system in place by the end of the week. We have done a lot of foundation work and are closing in the open foundations with lattice. All cabins are getting air conditioning. Bathrooms are getting snowdrift panelling on the walls which not only finishes them but makes them much cleaner and brighter. And there are various other small improvements.

Most of these things will be complete by the arrival of first guests. And we will be pausing all renos while guests are in camp to ensure your experience is as relaxing as possible.

Stay tuned for more updates direct from Eagle River! Camp Manager, Terry, will be providing updates, news, and river conditions throughout the season. And, check out our availability page to see when we can still take your booking for the 2010 season! Tight Lines!
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