Eagle River Report is a page where we will be keeping a log of the camp activity, as well as river conditions, and news from Eagle River. Sign up for the RSS feed by clicking the orange icon to the right and you will receive all updates by email. Wondering what water levels are like? go to Canada's Hydrometric Data site for the Eagle River by clicking this link: Eagle River Water Level
River has cleared up, action slowly improving, fish with family
Posted 25 July 2024, 11:40 pm NDT

Chris & Gerald having some success at Airforce pools. Bottom right, Dwight’s late Pop, Ron Lethbridge.
(larger version)
We had a lull in the action from the 20th-24th. Everyone still hooking fish, but definitely the slowest time of this season so far. The cause: a triple threat. Less fish inbound, water rising, and water dirty. There were much less fish being seen so we presume also much less coming in the river, but we also had a significant increase in water level. So much so that while the river wasn't overly high by any means, it was the most water we have seen this season, so it made the water quite dirty. Hard conditions to be fishing in but some of the seasoned repeat anglers still managed a daily average between 2.5-3 over their 4.5 day trip. Not a total loss in terms of atlantic salmon numbers, but slow when we are used to better. Spirits were unbroken by the slower results. Talk about a great group! They love to have fun and laughs, and like many others over the years have become friends and we really enjoy serving and guiding them. Jowls and bellies tender from laughter, it's the best medicine!
The conditions and action are improving. The water is dropping about 8cm/day, and the dirt has cleared. Still not great fishing, but respectable. It will be interesting to see how the remainder of July and August play out, because we are certain that the runs started earlier than normal. Late July and the first days of August can sometimes result in peak grilse numbers, but are most of the fish gone in? Only one way to find out, and that's join us fishing or stay tuned here.
The forecast is a mixed bag. We have a couple of cool nights and tmrw expected to be cold. Then it warms up. Moderate temps on Saturday and then a blast of heat Sunday and Monday. The river has been nice and cool starting out in the morning as low as 58F(14.4c) this past week. That had crept up to 61F (16c) by the time I left the river yesterday evening. Today's warmth and the long range for Sunday and Monday will likely have
more warming effect.
Today marks 18 years since my Pop Lethbridge, pictured here, passed away. I got to do some amazing things with him in my teenage years and learned a lot. I'm probably one of the only people around that fished in the inshore commercial salmon fishery (with him as a teen) and am a sport fishing lodge proprietor. It certainly has given me an appreciation and lens for the resource that is different than most. I'm very grateful for the time spent with my Pop on the land and water. It was some of the most valued and impressionable times of my life. All I can say to that is take full advantage of your loved ones while you have them. Take the time off work if you can to spend time with, and learn from your elders. Take your parents and your kids fishing! Right here at PFSL is a great place to do that but even in your own back yard. You won't regret it.
Also pictured here, father and son, Chris & Gerald, along with guide, Theodore, have spent some quality time together and with us here over the years. This past week was no exception and always nice to see Gerald with a tight line at the Airforce Pools.
The conditions and action are improving. The water is dropping about 8cm/day, and the dirt has cleared. Still not great fishing, but respectable. It will be interesting to see how the remainder of July and August play out, because we are certain that the runs started earlier than normal. Late July and the first days of August can sometimes result in peak grilse numbers, but are most of the fish gone in? Only one way to find out, and that's join us fishing or stay tuned here.
The forecast is a mixed bag. We have a couple of cool nights and tmrw expected to be cold. Then it warms up. Moderate temps on Saturday and then a blast of heat Sunday and Monday. The river has been nice and cool starting out in the morning as low as 58F(14.4c) this past week. That had crept up to 61F (16c) by the time I left the river yesterday evening. Today's warmth and the long range for Sunday and Monday will likely have
more warming effect.
Today marks 18 years since my Pop Lethbridge, pictured here, passed away. I got to do some amazing things with him in my teenage years and learned a lot. I'm probably one of the only people around that fished in the inshore commercial salmon fishery (with him as a teen) and am a sport fishing lodge proprietor. It certainly has given me an appreciation and lens for the resource that is different than most. I'm very grateful for the time spent with my Pop on the land and water. It was some of the most valued and impressionable times of my life. All I can say to that is take full advantage of your loved ones while you have them. Take the time off work if you can to spend time with, and learn from your elders. Take your parents and your kids fishing! Right here at PFSL is a great place to do that but even in your own back yard. You won't regret it.
Also pictured here, father and son, Chris & Gerald, along with guide, Theodore, have spent some quality time together and with us here over the years. This past week was no exception and always nice to see Gerald with a tight line at the Airforce Pools.