Travel Guide & Forms
This page is designed to give you downloadable and printable information to help you plan your trip to Pratt Falls Salmon Lodge. We tried to think of everything you would want to know, but if we missed anything, let us know! Questions and comments are always welcome!

Beverage Orders
The lodge stocks plenty of bottled water, fruit juice, and soft drinks to accompany meals and snacks. In the interest of saving weight for charter flights, we will take advance orders for Wine, Liquor, Beer, and extra soft drinks for mix, etc. Download and fill in the form provided below. It can be emailed back to us. A full list of Wine, Liquor, & Beer that is available through the NL Liquor Corporation can be viewed at We will have all items brought to camp before your arrival and charge you cost + a 10% handling fee. It is important that while selecting your Sku's from the NL liquor website to also look at the inventory in the Happy Valley location. This is the store we have to buy from.