Eagle River Report is a page where we will be keeping a log of the camp activity, as well as river conditions, and news from Eagle River. Sign up for the RSS feed by clicking the orange icon to the right and you will receive all updates by email. Wondering what water levels are like? go to Canada's Hydrometric Data site for the Eagle River by clicking this link: Eagle River Water Level
The Grilse are coming, the grilse are coming!
Posted 06 July 2021, 12:19 pm NDT

What a beautiful acrobat!
(larger version)
Y'know that scene in Lord of the Rings, where Froto Baggins excitedly yells, "The eagles are coming!!" When the Eagle's show up and take out the nazgul? Sorry, movie geek out moment here. Well, the excitement is similar here when those first big grilse show up. A guest remarked when his fishing buddy latched onto his first maxi-grilse yesterday,(after seeing nearly all big fish the last 5 days), and it stripped his reel well into the backing! They are powerful fish, and there is a lot of them in the river right now.
There's still mostly large fish, but the ratio is getting pretty close to 50:50. Our guests had great success the past couple of days despite the heat. The river is dropping back but still plenty high for fish to cruise on through, and the water temp is a wonderfully chilly 15c. It is a good thing the fish are plentiful, as guides and guest remark that schools upon schools of fish are moving through, and chances at a second or third rise from the same fish are rare!
The season is flying by quickly, and we sure are enjoying ourselves so far! It is not too late to get in on the action. We have one space available July 11-16th, 6 available July 23-28, and July 28-Aug 2. All great dates, so give it some thought and join our pro-team on the river!
There's still mostly large fish, but the ratio is getting pretty close to 50:50. Our guests had great success the past couple of days despite the heat. The river is dropping back but still plenty high for fish to cruise on through, and the water temp is a wonderfully chilly 15c. It is a good thing the fish are plentiful, as guides and guest remark that schools upon schools of fish are moving through, and chances at a second or third rise from the same fish are rare!
The season is flying by quickly, and we sure are enjoying ourselves so far! It is not too late to get in on the action. We have one space available July 11-16th, 6 available July 23-28, and July 28-Aug 2. All great dates, so give it some thought and join our pro-team on the river!