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Awesome September fishing!
Posted 08 September 2018, 9:40 pm NDT
As anglers and also conservationists it is great to be able to make this report today. As an outfitting business, it is a little frustrating, simply because we would like to be sharing the spactacular fishing that Eagle River offers the world during August and September. Our seasons bookings rarely make it past mid August, and this year they were cut short due to uncertainty with regulations. We usually operate for 5 weeks of bookings when we should be operating for 9-10 with all hands going home happy!
Simply put, Labrador, especially the more northern rivers, has been dragged down by province wide fishing results, river closures, and regulations from DFO when it never should have been. We spend most of our time at tradeshows and on the phone with folks shopping around for a place to fish, trying to explain that we are different and what they hear about other parts of our province is not the case here. We are so geographically different that the only thing we really have in common is great people. We had spectacular fishing and a healthy river to offer for the entire last month, but no clientele. We will be endevouring to change that. We would like to shout out to the ASF and a particular comment in the rivernotes this week. The rivernotes are always a good read, but this week, one section of the rivernotes really hits home for us, and we wholeheartedly agree. See image of excerpt from rivernotes below.
Now, the biggest reason for our report today. We opened up our new building on Thursday for 5 anglers. And, to say the least they have been treated to some great late season fishing. They are halfway (3 days) into their trip with 28 salmon and grilse so far!! They have the entire Lower Eagle and White Bear to themselves, and they're experiencing something truly special. The sea run brook trout are also now in the river and they have been hooking plenty of those as well. Eagle is high for this time of year, 2.8m, and the top pools like the bathtub is not fishable. But other high water holes are producing well. The water temperature has ranged from 56-58F over the last 3 days. They have a few days of action ahead, so we will report on their whole trip later in the week. Stay tuned!
Simply put, Labrador, especially the more northern rivers, has been dragged down by province wide fishing results, river closures, and regulations from DFO when it never should have been. We spend most of our time at tradeshows and on the phone with folks shopping around for a place to fish, trying to explain that we are different and what they hear about other parts of our province is not the case here. We are so geographically different that the only thing we really have in common is great people. We had spectacular fishing and a healthy river to offer for the entire last month, but no clientele. We will be endevouring to change that. We would like to shout out to the ASF and a particular comment in the rivernotes this week. The rivernotes are always a good read, but this week, one section of the rivernotes really hits home for us, and we wholeheartedly agree. See image of excerpt from rivernotes below.
Now, the biggest reason for our report today. We opened up our new building on Thursday for 5 anglers. And, to say the least they have been treated to some great late season fishing. They are halfway (3 days) into their trip with 28 salmon and grilse so far!! They have the entire Lower Eagle and White Bear to themselves, and they're experiencing something truly special. The sea run brook trout are also now in the river and they have been hooking plenty of those as well. Eagle is high for this time of year, 2.8m, and the top pools like the bathtub is not fishable. But other high water holes are producing well. The water temperature has ranged from 56-58F over the last 3 days. They have a few days of action ahead, so we will report on their whole trip later in the week. Stay tuned!

Excerpt from the Sept 7 ASF Rivernotes.