Eagle River Report is a page where we will be keeping a log of the camp activity, as well as river conditions, and news from Eagle River. Sign up for the RSS feed by clicking the orange icon to the right and you will receive all updates by email. Wondering what water levels are like? go to Canada's Hydrometric Data site for the Eagle River by clicking this link: Eagle River Water Level
The river continues to drop and fishing slowly picks up
Posted 06 July 2018, 6:29 am NDT
The river is continuing to drop a few inches a day but is still a long ways from being at a prime fishing level. Our guests are seeing more fish with each passing day. Guides are reporting some huge fish porpoising and moving on. It is tough fishing, but it hasn't been with out some awesome success stories. Right now, there isn't a large quantity of fish, but the quality is undeniable!
Pictured here is Chris with his mentor, Jeff, and a beauty 103cm fish estimated at 27-28lbs landed at the top of back river. Jeff remarked how proud he was of Chris for handling the biggest salmon of his life like a real pro. Congrats, Chris!
Pictured here is Chris with his mentor, Jeff, and a beauty 103cm fish estimated at 27-28lbs landed at the top of back river. Jeff remarked how proud he was of Chris for handling the biggest salmon of his life like a real pro. Congrats, Chris!

Angler, Chris, coached to success by mentor, Jeff. What a beauty!