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Pratt Falls Salmon Lodge
World Class Salmon Angling
Eagle River, Labrador
Eagle River Report is a page where we will be keeping a log of the camp activity, as well as river conditions, and news from Eagle River. Sign up for the RSS feed by clicking the orange icon to the right and you will receive all updates by email. Wondering what water levels are like? go to Canada's Hydrometric Data site for the Eagle River by clicking this link: Eagle River Water Level
Happy Canada Day!
Posted 01 July 2016, 9:11 pm NDT
T's guest with a beautiful bright fish. (larger version)
Before we talk about the fishing, we would like to extend a Happy Canada Day to all of our Canadian guests and readers of the Eagle River Report. Here at the lodge we are mighty proud to call Canada home, and are always eager to show foreign visitors our little slice of heaven.

In the province of Newfoundland and Labrador it is also Memorial Day, and today marks the 100th anniversary of Beaumont-Hamel, The Battle of the Somme. Over 800 young men from our province, known as the Newfoundland Regiment fought for our rights and freedoms, and the next day only 68 answered the roll call. It would continue into a long battle of trench warfare and an eventual victory in WW1. So, while we are casting lines over pools filled with salmon, and enjoying the freedoms that Canada and many other countries share in the 21st century, let us not forget the sacrifices of those that made our country so great.

Now, the fishing: Even though we are in the middle of a river flood with water still rising and the Eagle pumping out 525 cubic meters of water a second, the fishing for our new guests today was great! We have a full house and every boat is reporting success!! Some boats with multiple accounts of success! Pic attached of a fresh specimen caught by one of Theodore's guests today.

The river continues to rise, and water temps are still very cool. Certainly good for fish, and as long as we continue to have success like we did today...well I guess we can deal with a little extra water. Always better than not enough water!
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